Fire Cider: The Digest

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Fire Cider: The Digest


This lovely digestive tonic is infused with bitter roots & botanicals known to enhance digestive health. Take a small sip before & after meals to help support & soothe the digestive system. The Digest is a delicious, balanced, bitter, tangy, gingery, raw honey sweetened tonic that can prime digestion before a meal & aid with indigestion, bloating and/or stomach upset after a meal.

INGREDIENTS: (organic ingredient*) Raw apple cider vinegar*, ginger*, beets*, raw Oregon blackberry honey, orange rind*, lemongrass*, nettle*, Oregon grape root*, artichoke leaf*, dandelion root*, angelica root*, cramp bark*, burdock root*, yellow dock root*, centaury*, hibiscus flower*, marshmallow root*, oregano*, black peppercorns*, blackberries*, cayenne pepper*, love.

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