CranioSacral Therapy - A Listening Touch

“There is a voice that doesn’t use words, listen.”  Rumi


Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle treatment method used to release restrictions in the tissues effecting the nervous system and encourage the body’s natural capacity for self-repair.

It stimulates healing by using gentle hand pressure along the spine and connective tissues, especially the skull and sacrum (the large, triangular bone at the base of the spinal column).

Using “listening hands”, the therapist identifies the sources of restrictions which are affecting the craniosacral system.  Areas of restriction lead to decreased nerve transmission and circulation, then to symptoms of discomfort and pain.  Through gentle manual techniques, the therapist relieves these restrictions and balances the flow of the CranioSacral rhythm to encourage the body’s natural healing responses.

CranioSacral Therapy is increasingly used as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease, and is effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction, including headaches, chronic neck and back pain and central nervous system disorders. CranioSacral Therapy can be also be helpful for emotional and stress-related problems and beneficial around the effects of shock and trauma held in the body.

Despite this gentleness, powerful changes can ensue, often in surprising ways.  CranioSacral Therapy gives space for body wisdom to be heard. Significant changes and discoveries can be made in a quiet and attentive atmosphere of listening. One of the benefits of listening carefully, without agenda, is that the client gains the opportunity to connect with their body wisdom.  Inside all of us there is a ‘wise knowing’ just waiting to be heard. Sensitive touch simply provides the mirror through which to see it more clearly.

What this means practically is that during a session held patterns of tension in the body start to unravel and from this may arise memories, insights and emotions which allow a greater sense of meaning and understanding. This body wisdom can be a vital ally on any healing journey.



Palma Puzzuoli, is a Board Certified Licensed Massage Therapist and a CranioSacral Practitioner who has received training through the Upledger Institute.

She offers 60 Minute CranioSacral Session or 75 + 90 Minute Massage/CranioSacral Combo Sessions.

Book with Palma on Mondays + Wednesdays.