Spring Renewal - Keeping Your Liver Happy


On March 20th we welcomed in the first day of Spring. You may sense the shifts around you in nature where we witness new life emerging as seeds sprout and flowers bloom. Maybe you can feel your own natural transition from the restful (yin) energy to a more active (yang) energy.

In Chinese Medicine, while winter is a time to conserve energy and reduce activity, spring is a time of regeneration, new beginnings, and a renewal of spirit. The Spring season is associated with the Liver and Gallbladder organs, which means it is a great time to release emotions that no longer serve you and help support the function of these two organs.

When the Liver is out of balance it may show up in symptoms such as; headaches, frustration, anger, depression, digestive disorders, menstrual disorders, and high blood pressure, to name a few. With simple lifestyle adjustments, we can harmonize our Liver and ensure we are living in sync with nature, which will allow our own health to thrive.

Keep the Liver happy this Spring season:

  • Move: The Liver needs movement and so do you; take walks in nature, dance, do yoga - whatever makes you happy and keeps you moving.

  • Castor Oil Packs: One of the best ways to detoxify your liver is using a Castor Oil Pack. The essential fatty acids in the castor oil encourage removal of toxins. *Packs available for purchase in the Wellness Shop

  • Spring Clean: Purge your closets, organize some drawers and give your space a good spring cleaning.

  • Eat Clean and Green: Cleanse the Liver with leafy greens and begin eliminating foods that stress the Liver such as fried, sugary or processed foods. Remember even little adjustments can help create big shifts.

  • Practice Forgiveness: Old resentments and grudges can do damage to Liver energy. The more we practice forgiveness, the happier the Liver is.

  • Warm, Lemon Water: Keep the Liver flushed by starting your day with warm mug of lemon water. This will help the Liver eliminate any toxins you’ve released during your sleep and help nourish the Liver.

  • Take Baths: Enjoy warm baths filled with Epsom salts to help rid your body of toxins and support your Liver.

  • Acupuncture + Herbs: Your Acupuncture session can help support your liver health any emotions associated with the Liver Qi disharmony; stress, anger, frustration.