Love; It Begins with You.

February is all about celebrating LOVE and at Therapeutic Bodywork we are all about promoting self-love all month (and year!) long!

The truth is, all love starts with self-love. Our self-love is the foundation from which all other relationships grow. As we deepen our love for ourselves, we’re able to deepen the love we share with others. When you cultivate more love for yourself, you can give it unconditionally to others. It’s a beautiful cycle that begins with you.

But how do we cultivate more self-love? The answer is simple.

You start with a commitment to yourself - every single day. We call it one daily promise.

You see, self-love is both an act and an attitude. It takes practice and patience and builds out of our thoughts and actions. So, the more we prioritize ourselves - we send a signal to our subconscious that we are important, we are worthy of LOVE. Your brain is always watching what you do in order to decide how to feel. If you behave like you love yourself, your brain will follow suit and generate feelings to match your actions. When you place a high value on your own happiness and well being, you are practicing self-love.

One simple, daily promise to yourself. It doesn’t have to be fancy or sophisticated, but it has to be an action of being kind to yourself and it has to be intentional and consistent.

A few examples of a daily promise:

-take yourself to the beach and listen to the ocean waves

-book yourself a Self-Love Bundle

-call an old friend - or even better, meet for lunch

-go to bed 15 minutes earlier

-make yourself a nourishing meal and sit down to eat it

-get some sunshine on your face - even for 5 minutes

-stretch for 20 minutes

-taking a bath or having a foot soak

-buy yourself flower

-purchase a LOVE box - just for yourself

Self-love isn’t about making a decision to love yourself. It’s simply acting like you love yourself - over and over again. Actions speak louder than words and soon you will find that self-love will flow though you.

And that is how you cultivate self-love. What will be your daily promise today?