Fall; The season of slowing down

As the days become shorter, the warmth of the summer sun begins to fade and the leaves start to change, nature encourages us to move from the yang (expansive/outward) energy of summer to a more yin (reflective/slower) energy of the winter. Fall is a pivotal season between summer and winter and according to Chinese Medicine, a time when our Qi is most unstable. It is an important time to slow down, reset your nervous system and reconnect to some healthy lifestyle practices.

In Chinese Medicine, Fall is the season associated with the Metal element and the Lung and Large Intestine. The Metal element is associated with grief and the Lungs and Large Intestine represent the process of letting go, exhaling and excreting what we no longer need. When we have a metal imbalance it can manifest physically in our lungs/large intestine with ailments such as; bronchitis, coughing, allergies, colds, sore throat, constipation, diarrhea or abdominal pain. On a spiritual level, grief is the emotion of the lungs and an imbalance may present with chronic feelings of sadness or excessive grief of this season.

Chinese Medicine offers seasonal practices to best support your health and help you feel your best through the season of Fall:

  1. Warm Up Your Food: It is time to move away from raw, cold foods of the summer and start cooking up some soups, stews and cooked vegetables. Warmer foods are easier on your digestive system, nourish your lungs and strengthen your immune system.

  2. Protect Your Neck: According to Chinese Medicine, wind is ‘the carrier of one hundred evils’ and when the back of your neck, aka the ‘wind gate’ is exposed, we are most susceptible to pathogens that can make us sick. Protect your neck and you will be protecting your health.

  3. Sip Warm Water or Bone Broth: As dryness move in this fall season, keep your lungs moist with sips of warm water, teas or bone broth. Add a little honey to some hot water to soothe any dryness and remedy any dry coughs.

  4. Rest More: Take your cues from nature, and allow yourself to slow down and reset this fall. Now is a great time to recommit to your self-care routine, make less plans and embrace the slower pace of life as we prepare for a healthy winter.

  5. Breathing Exercises: With the lung organ system most active during fall, deep, cleansing breaths are essential to stimulate the lung qi, which contribute to a strong immune system and an uplifted spirit. Nature offers a lot of beauty this time of year, so get outside and practice filling your lungs with fresh air and take deep, cleansing breaths. Breathwork is also an effective tool in moving grief and sadness and practicing letting go. You can also try breathing in some Eucalyptus essential oil to open the lungs and support deeper breaths.

As you get back to your wellness routine this fall, we are here to support your transition with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs, Massage Therapy, Reflexology, CranioSacral or Skin Care. We invite you to slow down, reset your nervous system and reconnect with yourself this fall.