Late Summer: The Fifth Season

Late Summer, the fifth season in Chinese Medicine, is upon us and with that an opportunity to recenter. This fifth season begins the third week of August and runs through the fall equinox. It is, in essence, the shift between the fullness of the summer and the beginning of autumn. You may already feel the transition from the long, carefree days of summer to a more inward, quiet energy drawing you back to routine and regularity. Although this is a short season, it can be marked with intense transformation in nature and within yourself.

Late Summer season relates to the Spleen organ system and the Earth element. According to Chinese Medicine, the power of the spleen is responsible for overall digestive health and overall energy. It is also in charge of making our body's qi and blood, which are the vital substances needed to stay healthy. When Spleen and Stomach are strong and in balance, we would expect a healthy and regular digestion, strong immune defenses, good energy, relaxed mood, and well-developed or defined muscles. When the spleen is weak, it creates dampness in the body that can create symptoms such as; feeling heavy, fatigue, weight gain, worry, overthinking, loose stools and IBS and low immune system functioning.

Living in harmony with the Late Summer season will help boost vitality of the Spleen/Stomach:

Back to Routine: Late Summer calls us back to a sense of routine and regularity. Establishing a sense of structure and schedule with our lifestyle habits and our meals will help support us this season.

Warm it Up: If you’ve been living off of salads and smoothies all summer long, now is a great time to start adding some cooked food. Our Spleen/Stomach prefer cooked, warm foods and regular meals. Increase your Spleen Qi with foods like lentils, quinoa, sweet potatoes, yams and carrots.

Decrease Worry: Work on your state of worry and anxiety by introducing habits like meditation, journaling or mindfulness exercises. Acupuncture can help support your emotional state and and help you cope with over-thinking, fretting and constant worry. By balancing your Spleen/Stomach this season, you’ll notice these emotional symptoms subsiding.

Get Outside: Late Summer season is the Earth element so get out and connect with the Earth. Take time in nature, walk barefoot in your backyard, take a trail walk or perhaps a quiet day at the beach. Whatever makes your heart happy - get outside and do that.

Acupuncture: This season is a great time to check in with your acupuncturist and have a seasonal ‘tune up’. A few Acupuncture treatments can help support your Spleen and Stomach to ensure you stay in balance during this transitional season and set up for a healthy winter ahead.

Acupressure Spleen 9: When you can’t get in for your Acupuncture treatment, a quick at-home point is Spleen 9. Run your finger up the inside of your leg, and you will find a dip as the tibia bone begins to flare out. This can be quite a tender point, so gently massage it using different depths to find what feels good for you.

Wishing you a beautiful, balanced Late Summer season. We are here to support you through it all.