Staying Balanced in Summer

On June 21st, we celebrated summer solstice, the longest day of the year and the official start of the summer season. According to Chinese Medicine, summer is the season when our Yang energy is peaking. It is a season filled with abundant energy, long days and sunshine and fosters expansion, growth, activity, and creativity.

This season is also associated with the fire element which governs joy, enthusiasm, and vitality and the heart organ, which is responsible for maintaining internal peace and harmony. In this summer season, it’s essential to shift our lifestyle and dietary habits to maintain balance. When our fire element is out of balance we may experience symptoms of irritability, rashes or skin eruptions, hyperactivity, restless sleep, excessive perspiration, and/or heartburn. When the fire element is balanced, your mind is calm, your sleep is sound, and your heart is healthy.

Tips to Stay Balanced This Summer Season:

  • Rest: One of the key components to staying balanced especially through the summer months is to 'take it easy' and 'stop and smell the roses'. Take a nap, lie in the shade with a book or swing in the (shaded) hammock. Whatever it is – make sure you enjoy part of your day doing nothing. As summer is a season for play, make sure to create time each day to destress and rest.

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink cooling (not iced) beverages such as coconut water, cucumber juice, watermelon juice. Add a pinch of sea salt or electrolytes to your water. Make cooling, peppermint, iced tea (without the ice).

  • Happy Heart: Focus on keeping your heart harmonious by letting go of anger or resentments. Cultivate more JOY and happiness by doing the things you love. Surround yourself with people who make you laugh and your heart happy.

  • Cooling Foods: Summer is the season to enjoy some cooling foods that have cooling properties, are nutrient dense and off-set the summer heat. It is a good time to avoid hot, spicy food and enjoy some raw foods and cooling fruits.

  • Sync Your Sleep: Take advantage of the long days by rising early, staying up late and resting in the afternoon. This practice will help keep balance within your circadian rhythm and ensure you can enjoy the myriad of benefits of taking in the morning sun.

  • Take Time For YOU: With the busyness of the summer season, it’s important to carve out your own time for self-care. Stay committed to your own downtime - an appointment at TB, some time reading, a solo walk on the beach, a 10 minute meditation. Whatever you need to recharge your batteries - don’t forget to prioritize it in the midst of all the fun.